People in crisis have housing options in Grays Harbor

In Grays Harbor we are so fortunate that a variety of organizations, each with their own expertise and mission, offers a piece to helping people live in safe and affordable housing.
In the next few columns, we’re highlighting various organizations, that, like us here at NeighborWorks of Grays Harbor, bring a piece to the puzzle.
Today, we are concentrating on a few of the organizations that are places that offer shelter and more when life has taken a bad turn.
You may never need these services, but you may know of someone whom you could direct to them when they are in need.
Consider your personal priorities. Personal physical safety and the safety of your family come first, so we will try to present these local options from the direst need to the most common affordable housing needs.
The Domestic Violence Center
If a victim of domestic violence quickly needs shelter – which is often the case –the Domestic Violence Center is a great option. Not only can this nonprofit organization give victims of domestic violence – men, women and children – a place to stay, they can also help with other practical and emotional needs.
The shelter – at an undisclosed and safe location – can house up to 20 people at one time, according to Gloria Callaghan, longtime executive director.
The office for the operation is located at 2306 Sumner Ave. in Hoquiam, and can be reached by phone at (360) 538-0733. Those in need can also just drop in, Callaghan said.
The Union Gospel Mission
Men come to the Union Gospel Mission in downtown Aberdeen for a myriad of reasons.
“Lots of men have addictions that cause them problems, men could also be here because they lost their jobs and have run out of benefits,” Executive Director Gary Rowell said.
If substance abuse has been an issue – this isn’t a detox center. However, Gary said that “as long as they are clean and sober, they can come in.” There are 40 beds available for men to stay at the mission, and typically about 30 are full.
“The numbers we house used to dip down in the summer and then go up when it gets cold. Lately, our numbers aren’t going down in the summers,” he said.
“We work closely with other agencies such as CCAP, (Coastal Community Action Program) which has programs that these men can use,” Rowell said.
Once people are back on their feet and have found a place to live, the Union Gospel Mission can sometimes supply them with used household items – appliances, furniture, pots and pans, to help them get started in their new residence.
The Union Gospel Mission, 405 East Heron St., in Aberdeen, can be reached at (360) 533-1064.
The Friendship House
Women who need a temporary home can go to the Friendship House, which is the Union Gospel Mission’s sister organization. Paula Rowell, is in charge there.
The Friendship House has beds for 38 and has housed up to 47 in a pinch, she said. It houses women and girls as well as boys through 8 years old. – “We don’t have much privacy here,” Paula explained. Paula says she likes to keep the stays at three months or less.
“While they are here, they need to be taking care of whatever their goals are –such as getting a job and finding stable housing,” she said.
Thanks to the Friendship House, at 513 North G Street in Aberdeen, and other organizations, there are safe places to go. The Friendship House can be reached at (360) 533-2221.
And there are even more partners!
There are more similar partners that we will highlight in the weeks to come. We are grateful for each organization and the tireless work it does to help the people of Grays Harbor, which helps our whole community!