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Energy-saving rebates for manufactured homes

The avid readers of this column know that we are currently on an energy-saving kick having spent the last few weeks talking about various energy-saving (and money-saving) programs sponsored by the Grays Harbor PUD. We are continuing along in that same vein today, but concentrating on manufactured homes.

The Grays Harbor PUD is offering rebates to customers who purchase Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured (NEEM) certified homes that are installed in the Grays Harbor PUD service area.

Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured homes are Energy Star certified homes that meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These homes meet or exceed the same strict energy saving standards to which site-built homes are constructed. They typically cost a little more to buy, but because of their energy-saving abilities, the PUD offers rebates.

Here are a few features of a NEEM home:

  • They have increased insulation levels in the ceiling, floor and walls.

  • They have energy-efficient, low-e, double-pane windows.

  • They have tighter overall construction to reduce drafts and make the home quieter.

  • They have heating ducts that have been sealed and tested.

  • They are equipped with Energy Star-rated appliances.

If the home is considered a NEEM 1.1 Energy Star home, the rebate offered is $1,200. For the NEEM 2.0 Energy Star home, the rebate is $1,400.


To be eligible for this rebate program, manufactured homes must be new and be designed, constructed and certified by the Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured housing program (NEEM). Also, the home must be electrically heated and a customer of the Grays Harbor PUD.

In addition, a NEEM Certificate of Compliance form is required upon application for the rebate, and that application must be received by the PUD within 90 days of occupancy. Of course, installations may be verified by Grays Harbor PUD to ensure compliance with program guidelines.

The actual application form is simple and available in the Energy Services Department of the Grays Harbor PUD or online at

If you have just purchased or are planning to purchase a new manufactured home, give the folks at the Energy Services Department a call to find out more. They can be reached at (360) 538-6383 or by emailing


A few weeks ago we wrote a column about the amazing, free ductless heat pump program sponsored by the Grays Harbor PUD. (We at NeighborWorks of Grays Harbor administer the program.)

To be eligible for this program to receive a free ductless heat pump, there are several requirements including that the home is currently heated primarily by electricity and is buying that electricity from the Grays Harbor PUD. (This includes mobile homes built after June 15, 1976,)

In addition, the owner or renter must be considered a low-income household as defined in the Federal Weatherization Assistance Program – which is up to 200 percent of the poverty income level. At the time of our first column on the ductless heat program we didn’t have the 2020 figures for that, but now we do. Because the numbers went up this last year, more people may have become eligible for the program.

Here are the 2020 income guidelines:

  • For a household of one, the income can be no more than $25,520 annually.

  • For a household of two, the annual income lid is $34,480.

  • For a household of three, the annual income lid is $43.440.

  • For a household of four, the annual income lid is $52,400.

  • For a household of five, the annual income lid is $61,360.

  • For a household of six, the annual income lid is $70,320.

  • For a household of seven, the annual income lid is $79,280.

  • For a household of eight, the annual income lid is $88,240.


If you think you may be eligible to receive a heat pump or have questions about the program, give us a call at NeighborWorks of Grays Harbor at (360) 533-7828 and ask for Pat or leave a message. We are in the office from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. You can also email us at, or message us at our website at

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