Earn tax credit for energy-saving improvements
January 2024 Happy New Year from all of us at NeighborWorks of Grays Harbor! Not only do we want to wish you well in 2024, we also hope...

Save money in home repair fund
Some folks think that once you buy a house, you can simply sit back and watch it appreciate in value. It doesn’t exactly work like that!...

Knock down your power bill this winter
The long nights and cold weather of winter can be like a one-two punch on your energy bill! Have you been surprised to see how December’s...

What heat source is right for you?
it time for you to consider a new heating source for your house? In our last blog, we’ve discussed how you might know if it is time for a...

Rebates for natural-gas heated homes
Is your home heated with natural gas? If so, it’s possible you could be eligible for rebates. Recently we wrote about various rebates...

Energy-saving rebates for manufactured homes
The avid readers of this column know that we are currently on an energy-saving kick having spent the last few weeks talking about various...

Better comfort, cash and conscience while heating your home
When it comes to gaining comfort and cash, as well as having an environmental conscience, there’s nothing like making your home more...

Get cash back when you buy energy-saving appliances
Are you planning to buy a new clothes dryer, washing machine, refrigerator or freezer sometime soon? Perhaps you are in the market for a...

Are you eligible for a free ductless heat pump?
How have you been fairing in all this cold weather? We’d love to see all Grays Harbor County residents warm and comfortable in their...

Singing the praises of ductless heat pumps
Is your heating system meeting your needs? Is it clean, inexpensive and effective? In our last blog we compared a variety of different...