More about us at NeighborWorks of Grays Harbor
Every so often we like to reintroduce ourselves! While we’ve been here in Grays Harbor since 1981 and presenting a column in The Daily...

We're here to help with housing concerns in these crazy times
“Unprecedented,” “crazy,” “difficult,” “challenging.” However we describe “these times” of facing a pandemic and resulting quarantine and...

If you can, pay your rent!
At all times, being able to live in safe, decent housing is a key factor for health. And, when the top medical and governmental agencies...

Business as usual now different at NeighborWorks
Like just about everyone, because of the coronavirus, doing business and living life are looking different for us here at NeighborWorks...

Help for renters, landlords during pandemic crisis
Last week we talked about various programs designed to help folks pay their mortgage during the financial impact of COVID-19. Today,...

Getting to know NeighborWorks more
Every so often we like to reintroduce ourselves! While we’ve been here in Grays Harbor since 1981, we know that new folks are always...

New program lowers risk for landlords renting to subsidized tenants
Nicholas Yuva has plenty of experience knowing the needs and concerns of landlords. Recently hired as the Landlord Mitigation Program...